
Claim Free Moongate Airdrop

Date: 2024-04-25 ~ 2024-05-10

State: Airdrop ends

Rating: ★★★★

Focus on: 296 followers


Moongate airdrop introduction:

Moongate, a platform that provides all-round solutions for brands and event organizers, injects vitality into the community through NFT tickets and membership. It not only provides merchants with opportunities to interact with customers before, during and after the event, but also enhances brand loyalty and provides customers with exclusive experiences and benefits by distributing benefits and creating digital communities.


How to get Moongate airdrop:

1. Visit the Moongate airdrop page.

2. Create an account and log in.

3. Go to the Missions page to view the missions that can earn points.

4. Complete the one-time "Getting Started" mission to unlock the "Retroactive Airdrop" mission.

5. Complete special tasks to earn more points.

6. Participate in daily draws and earn points every day.

7. Earn extra rewards by referring friends. In addition to the one-time points bonus, you will also receive 15% of the direct referral points and 5% of the referral points of the referrer. Click on the profile in the upper right corner of the page to get the referral link.

8. Get PowerUps, unlocked through points or purchased, that provide bonuses to your points.

9. Buy tickets and share events to accumulate points. Visit the "Discover" page to start participating in the event.

10. Users who collect points will receive an airdrop of MGT tokens.

11. For more information on the airdrop, please visit their guide.


Introduction to Moongate:

Moongate is about to launch its token "MGT" and plans to airdrop it to users who participate in its airdrop event. Now, by signing up for the open v2 beta version of the Moongate platform and participating in various tasks, you will have the opportunity to receive the airdrop when the MGT token is officially launched.


How Moongate works:

NFT Tickets and Memberships: Providing a novel way to enhance customer experience and brand loyalty.

Community interaction: By creating a digital community, customers can interact and participate in activities, enhancing the cohesion of the community.

Points system: Users earn points by participating in platform activities and completing tasks, which can be used to unlock additional benefits and rewards.

Airdrop Event: By participating in the platform’s beta testing and completing specific tasks, users have the opportunity to receive an airdrop of the upcoming MGT token.

Referral rewards: Encourage users to invite new members to join and increase the user base and platform activity through the referral system.

Data Analysis: Provides merchants with in-depth insights and analysis on customer behavior, helping them better understand and serve their customer base.


Moongate information data:

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